Charges approved for pre-application planning advice

Councillor Josh Newbury

Published: Friday 15th September 2023 | 10.54am

Cannock Chase Council’s Cabinet have approved a charging scheme for pre-planning application advice for minor and householder applications.

The Council already charge for major pre-planning application advice.  However, the Development Management team have been providing pre-application advice for minor and householder applications, free of charge for several years.

The Council has the power to set fee charges under Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003 and the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The charging schedule has been set, through a comparison of other local authorities.

The introduction of a pre-application charging scheme for minor and householder applications will improve the quality and consistency of the advice provided, which should lead to better quality applications. 

Enquiries relating to listed buildings, works to trees, requests from Parish Councils, applications where the development is directly related to the needs of a registered disabled resident, planning discussions relating to an enforcement investigation and telecommunications would be exempt.

Councillor Josh Newbury, Portfolio Leader for Regeneration and High Streets said "The Council have charged for pre-planning advice for major applications for many years but offered advice for minor and householder applications for free. We will now be expanding the charging scheme to include these applications which will bring the Council in line with other local authorities. Financial pressures and the workload of our Development Management Officers have made it unsustainable to continue offering advice for free.

"The new charges, which are reasonable and proportionate, will stop staff being used as free planning consultants and make it fair for those applicants that obtain their own external advice. A wide range of information on the Council's website sets out expectations in relation to planning applications and the supporting documents which are needed for an application to be validated and registered.

“The new charging scheme will also ensure that the applications we receive are better quality and there will be a smooth transition into submission of an application."

Payment will be required for all applications, before officers engage in any discussion, charges start at £60 for an initial meeting for a householder application, up to £4000 for an application for 200 dwellings or more.  More information on charging can be found on our website:

The Council will respond within 20 working days of receipt of the request and payment of the corresponding fee for minor and householder applications and 30 days for major developments.

The charges for minor and household applications will start from October.

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