Jobs at Cannock Chase and Stafford Borough Council
All current vacancies, including job descriptions, person specifications, and online application forms.
Jobs at Staffordshire County Council
Including jobs in Education, Libraries, Social Work, and Trading Standards.
- Useful Links
For other job vacancies in the area please see below:
- Redundancy and Recruitment Triage Service from SSLEP
https://stokestaffsgrowthhub.co.uk/news/new-redundancy-and-recruitment-triage-service/ - WM Jobs
Direct Gov
Direct Gov offers a fully integrated work and benefits service. Within Staffordshire the integration of Job Centres and Social Security offices will became fully operational throughout 2004. In addition to the traditional job vacancies service, the Direct Gov network provides a recruitment service to employers as well as to training organisations.Express and Star
This website has an online search facility for jobs advertised in the newspaper.Learn Direct
Literacy, numeracy and IT training also teach employment skills e.g. CV's.National Apprenticeship Service
The National Apprenticeship Service offers advice and information on apprenticeships, as well as allowing people to search and apply for vacancies online.National Careers Service
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice, supported by qualified careers advisers.Staffordshire University
Staffordshire University is working closely with local industry to encourage the future development of the West Midlands and offers quality education, research and training opportunities to a wide range of people: on campus through our extensive programme of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional courses; in company through courses and training activities tailored to suit individual needs; and in partnership with other organisations and training providers, both in the UK and throughout the world. For more information contact us on: 01782 294000. - Redundancy and Recruitment Triage Service from SSLEP
- Working for the Council
Employee Benefits for Contracted staff
Flexible Working
The Council operates a flexible working hours system, which provides flexibility in your hours of work within the constraints of the duties of the post. In principle, all employees (except Directors and Heads of Service) are included in the scheme. However the duties of certain posts may prevent some employees from participating to the same degree as others, for example where fixed shifts or working hours are in operation. In some areas or offices a 'rota system' may need to be introduced so that there is always a sufficient number of employees on hand to assist the public during the normal office/operating hours.
Corporate Leisure Membership
The Council offers corporate membership of its Leisure facilities at a reduced rate for employees.
Membership of a Trade Union
You have the right to join a trade union and to take part in its activities. However, you also have the right not to join a trade union. Details of the specified trade unions on the appropriate negotiating body are available for you to refer to at HR Services, Civic Centre, Beecroft Road, Cannock, WS11 1BG.Pension Scheme
The Council operates a contributory pension scheme open to all employees. Employee contributions are linked to pensionable pay..Personal Development and Post Entry Training Scheme
The Council is committed to supporting the Personal Development of all its employees, and as such undertakes regular one-to-one reviews with employees in order to discuss performance and potential for development. Where the undertaking of formal qualifications is identified as an essential requirement of the role, the authority will offer financial and other support in accordance with its Post Entry Training Scheme
Absence for Sickness or Injury and Sick Pay
Entitlement to occupational sick pay is subject to compliance with the organisation's rules for reporting absence and for observing the other requirements of its sick pay and absence scheme.The sickness pay scheme is: -
- During 1st year of service one months full pay and (after completing four months service) two months half pay.
- During 2nd year of service two months full pay and two months half pay
- During 3rd year of service four months full pay and four months half pay.
- During 4th and 5th years of service five months full pay and five months half pay.
- After 5 years service six months full pay and six months half pay.