Published: Monday, 16th November 2020
Cannock Chase Council has now received funding from the Government to help businesses in the District whose trading has been affected during the current national lockdown. Grants are now available to be claimed from the Council.
The funding is aimed at businesses forced to close or those seriously affected by the lockdown measures that began on 5 November and which are due to continue until 2 December. The grants will help compensate for income lost during this four-week period.
In the first instance businesses eligible to apply include those from the non-essential retail, leisure, sports facilities and the hospitality sectors who have been required to close. Up to £3,000 can be claimed depending on the rateable value of a business.
In order to qualify a business must have:
• closed on 5 November as required by national restrictions, or
• have had to significantly alter their operation – for example moving to ‘click and collect’ or takeaway only services – as they were not allowed to continue their usual way of trading or delivery of services
To find out more go to www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/businessgrants. The online application form is available at www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/LRGform
Businesses can also contact the Economic Development team at the Council on 01543 464267 or by email to EconDev@cannockchasedc.gov.uk for business support advice.
The Portfolio Leader for Economic Development and Planning, Councillor Tony Johnson said: “We know many of our businesses are finding it difficult to make ends meet so these grants will be very important which is why, as well as announcing this support today, we will be proactively contacting those businesses that we believe to be eligible to invite them to apply online.
“During the first lockdown period we paid out over £22million worth of business support grants and we did this quickly and efficiently to help affected businesses, and will do so again as we know this is a difficult time if you are in business”.
Further grants will be available from 3 December to other businesses that have been severely restricted because of this lockdown period.
Businesses are asked to monitor the Council’s website for the latest information on new grants at www.cannockchasedc.gov.uk/businessgrants.
Councillor Tony Johnson