Chasewater Railway
Groups, Parties and Coaches are extremely welcome by prior arrangement.
We can offer facilities for Coach Parties, Educational & School visits, Community Groups or general Parties & Celebrations.
For group and party bookings information only please contact our group booking coordinator by email or telephone 01543 452623.We have full catering facilities and we would be pleased to cater for your requirements. Please see our website for further details.
Chasewater Country Park, Pool Road, Nr. Brownhills WS8 7NL
Telephone: 01543 452 623
Commonwealth War Graves & German Cemetery
Cannock Chase War Cemetery
Although military cemeteries are common on the continent, Cannock Chase War Cemetery is one of the few dedicated military cemeteries in the United Kingdom.
Built and cared for by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), the cemetery was established during the First World War, when a large military camp at Cannock Chase became the base for the New Zealand Rifle Brigade. There was also a prisoner-of-war hospital with 1,000 beds, and both camp and hospital used the burial ground.
The cemetery, which is open all year round, contains 97 Commonwealth burials of the First World War, most of them New Zealanders, and 286 German burials. There are also three burials of the Second World War.
German Military Cemetery
Located nearby, Cannock Chase German Military Cemetery was opened in 1967 to accommodate those German nationals who lost their lives in the United Kingdom during the two World Wars.
The cemetery is the responsibility of the German War Graves Commission (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgraberfursorge) but is maintained on a daily basis by staff from the CWGC based permanently at Cannock. The cemetery contains some 5,000 graves (including 42 Austrians).
Both Sites
Opening hours: Summer Weekdays: 8am - 3.45pm Summer Weekends: 10am - 5pm Winter Weekdays: 8am - 3.45pm (or dusk, whichever is earlier) Winter Weekends: 11am - 4pm (or dusk, whichever is earlier).
Limited access during Christmas and New Year
Local Information
From the M6, exit at Junction 11 and take the A460 towards Cannock town centre. From Cannock town centre take the A34, Cannock to Stafford road. Follow for approximately 3 miles to roundabout, following signs for Rugeley. Turn right after about 1 mile, then left at crossroads. Cannock Chase War Cemetery is signposted from the A34 when travelling from either Cannock or Stafford,
Postcode: WS12 4PT.
Our cemeteries and memorials do not have toilet or refreshment facilities.
For more information about the work of the CWGC visit their website at or write to
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission, 2 Marlow Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7DX
Go Ape
How do you elevate your company to another level? Just let them Go Ape!
Harness up, climb 40ft into the trees and feel the thrill of the UK’s award-winning high ropes phenomenon.
Take your team to the top with Go Ape!
This is proper playground stuff, with an intense edge that gets you thinking on your feet 40ft above the forest floor. Having the capacity to combine conferencing with an unforgettable adventure is why Go Ape groups always have such an empowering event.
Now with 34 courses set at forest locations across the UK, there are more high-flying execs than ever before swapping laptops for treetops and taking up the challenge of a Go Ape High Wire Forest Adventure.
Go Ape, offers a combination of team building with a deep sense of personal achievement and a big shot of adrenalin-fuelled fun. So forget stilted speeches and boardroom venues – enjoy a natural high, raise your game and inspire some original thinking – there’s so much more motivation to be discovered up there!
The Go Ape! Adventures at Cannock Chase include: Treetop Challenge (Moderate), Treetop Adventure (Easy) and Forest Segway (Moderate/Hard).
For a free no obligation quote visit Go Ape and select corporate packages, alternatively call the team on 01284 852210.
Cannock Chase Forest - Forestry England Car Park
Rugeley WS15 2UQ
Visitors Centres
Please also see information about our Visitor Centres:
- Cannock Chase Forest - Forestry England
- Cannock Chase Visitor Centre (Marquis Drive)
- Chasewater Country Park
- Chasewater Innovation Centre
- Museum of Cannock Chase
- Staffordshire Wildlife Trust (Wolseley Centre)
- Shugborough
This information can be found on our What to Do page.
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