Fraud and Confidential Reporting

These three policies set-out a framework for the identification, reporting and investigation of improper behaviour towards the Council by employees, Member or external parties.

Confidential Reporting Framework

The Confidential Reporting framework is an early warning system that can alert the Council to such things as :-

  • someone defrauding the Council;
  • faulty machinery or unsafe working practices being used by employees or contractors;
  • people abusing their positions via discrimination or harassment,
  • illegal activities;
  • concerns relating to the treatment of children and vulnerable adults; or
  • employees or Members seeking or accepting payments in exchange for work or contracts to a specific supplier or for making a particular decision.

Confidential reporting is a valuable activity; which can be used to inform those who need to know about fraud, corruption, cover-ups and many other problems. It is often only through the receipt of such reports that this information comes to light and can be addressed before real damage is done.

This Confidential Reporting Framework aims to provide a clear, documented process by which people can report concerns to the Council and to give them the assurance that the matter will be handled appropriately and where necessary confidentially.


Confidential Reporting Framework .pdf (325.31 KB) 

Anti-Fraud & Bribery

This framework represents a commitment by the Council to protect public funds and to ensure that all Council activities are carried out in accordance with the principles of openness, honesty and integrity.

It sets out how we expect Member, employees and those who we do business with to act and provides and sets out how we will investigate and deal with any allegations of fraud, corruption or bribery carried out against or by those within the Council.

The framework also provides a route by which concerns can be raised with nominated contacts within the Council.


Anti-Fraud and Bribery Policy .pdf (137.16 KB)

Anti-Money Laundering Framework

This framework gives a commitment by the Council that we will do everything we can to prevent, detect and report any exposure of the Council, its employees or Members to Money Laundering.

It provides nominated contacts to receive concerns and ensure that these are passed on to the relevant crime prevention agencies.


Money Laundering Framework Policy .pdf (88.66 KB)


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