What’s Changed
In 2018, Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) Regulations were introduced to improve energy efficiency in privately rented properties in England and Wales. The Regulations have applied to all tenancies since April 2020, even those where there has been no tenancy change.
Landlords must not continue to let a residential property with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of F or G. Landlords must ensure that all properties have a valid EPC and that rented properties meet at least an E rating unless a valid exemption has been registered.
Recommendations for energy efficiency improvements can be found on the EPC for the property.
If a private sector landlord continues to rent a property with an EPC rating of F or G, a penalty notice of up to £5000 can be issued.
Further Landlord guidance can be found here.
Where an exemption applies, the exemption must be registered by the landlord (or an agent for the landlord); this registration is made on a self-certification basis and an exemption will apply from the point at which it is registered.
Further details on the applicable exemptions can be found here.
The landlord must register the exemption on the PRS Exemptions Register.
The PRS Exemptions Register is for properties which:
- are legally required to have an EPC
- are let on a relevant tenancy type
- cannot be improved to meet the minimum standard of EPC band E for one of the reasons set out below
What help is available?
Cannock Chase Council is working in partnership with Beat the Cold. Beat the Cold can advise on how to make the property more energy efficient and what heating and insulation measures may be available.
For further information phone Beat the Cold on 0800 389 2258 or email mees@beatcold.org.uk
What is the Council doing?
We are encouraging all landlords and letting agents to comply with the Regulations where they have not already done so. We have also secured funding to proactively investigate potential breaches of these Regulations and are currently writing to all tenants and landlords of known F&G rented properties. Enforcement action will be taken against landlords that fail to improve the EPC rating of a rented property to at least an E and/or do not comply with a Compliance Notice.
A penalty of up to £5,000 can be issued.
If you believe a property is being rented out that does not meet the regulations, please email us at privatesectorhousing@cannockchasedc.gov.uk