Every year Cannock Chase Council cleans 350km of streets - picking up over 3,000 tonnes of litter, and emptying approx. 600 litter bins every week.
Use the links below to report an issue:
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Report fly tipping
- Report dog fouling
- Report issue with litter bin
- Report issue with street name plate
- Report issue with street furniture
- Report a dead animal
- Report fly posting
We all want to live in a litter free and clean environment, and give our streets a clean sweep, but we need to work together to achieve this.
Our aim is to:
- Litter Pick all streets at least once every 2 weeks, with shopping areas picked daily.
- Mechanically sweep the districts gutters on a regular programme and sweep town centers daily
- Remove litter and dog fouling.
- Empty street litter bins at least once a week and more often in shopping areas.
- Clear flytipping within 3 days of notification
- Remove offensive graffiti within 24 hours and all other graffiti within 7 days
Please help us by:
- Not dropping litter on the streets
- Disposing of waste in the proper place
- Not putting sharp objects such as needles in litter bins
- Telling us if you see an overflowing litter bin
- Keeping play areas clear of litter, broken glass and dog fouling
If you would like to assist the Council with a community litter pick in your area, please contact Street Cleansing on 01543 462621.
- Littering Fines
Litter bugs will get fixed penalty fines if caught dropping litter by a Cannock Chase Council Environmental Officer and will be issued with a fixed penalty fine.
Did you know that it was an offence to drop your cigarette butt?
- Cigarette ends are made of cellulose acetate which takes up to 12 years to biodegrade*
- Cigarettes account for 40% of the UK's street litter *
Did you know that the average cost of cleaning gum from Town Centre streets in the UK is £20K? This has to be done a number of times a year. *
Work with us and next time you're out, before you drop that cigarette end, match stick, gum or sweet wrapper, stop and think and put your rubbish in a litter bin.
* Source ENCAMS
- Fly tipping
Fly tippers will be prosecuted. If caught fly tippers face a £50,000 fine if prosecuted in a Magistrates Court, or an unlimited fine and imprisonment if prosecuted in a Crown Court.
If you see anyone fly tipping please call us on 01543 462621 with a vehicle registration number, description of the vehicle and individual and where the offence has taken place. All calls are strictly confidential.
Alternatively, the on-line reporting form for reporting fly tipping is HERE