If you are a secure tenant, you may want to consider swapping homes with another secure tenant. This is known as a mutual exchange.
A mutual exchange can take place between two or more secure council tenants, or between a council tenant and a tenant of a registered social housing provider.
A mutual exchange can be a quick and easy way to move to a more suitable property.
An exchange is where two social housing tenants, with the permission of their landlord, exchange their tenancies. You should not swap homes without the Council’s consent as this would put both parties in breach of the tenancy agreement.
You will be asked to accept the property on the conditions it has been left in by the last tenant. The Council carry out routine repairs in accordance with the tenancy agreement, but it will be your responsibility to repair and damage caused by the previous tenant.
The Council is required by law to make a decision on whether to approve or refuse the exchange within 42 days of receiving the application, the actual exchange may take longer.
You can register on HomeSwapper to advertise your home and search for a swap. You do not need to be on the housing register or have a housing need to exchange tenancies.
If you have enquiries regarding a mutual exchange please do not call but contact us via email on mutualexchanges@cannockchasedc.gov.uk.
Cannock Chase Council is a member of Homesapper and Swap Tracker, it is a free online exchange service where you can advertise, search for a swap and submit an application for a mutual exchange.
If you know another secure tenant who is looking to move, you may want to discuss the possibility of swapping homes with them, you must have a clear rent account and have signed up to Homeswapper.
If you are registered with homeswapper and have found a swap and you wish to apply for a mutual exchange, please visit the homeswapper website at https:www.homeswapper.co.uk/
- We will consider the following before a decision is made:
If you are registered with HomeSwapper and have found a swap you should make an application for a mutual exchange on the Homeswapper Scheme, which entitles existing tenants to free access to their service.
- Neither of you have rent arrears
- Neither property will be overcrowded or under occupied
- There is no Notice Seeking Possession pending or served on either property
- The property is not specially designed or adapted for individual needs and no such persons requiring the adaptation would be living there should the exchange take place
- The property is part of a supported housing scheme and should the exchange take place, no qualifying person would be living there
- Any other information which may affect the decision made whilst taking into account current legislation and offering consistent serviceey mation - this will render your application and subsequent approval invalid and may result in you losing your home
- You have not damaged your property
- You have not altered the property without the permission of the Council
- If my application is approved, what conditions are made?
- The move is made entirely at the tenant's expense
- Each party accepts the property in its present condition
- Your property is left in a clean and tidy condition with all the rubbish removed from gardens or outbuildings
- Do not be fooled into paying or accepting money to exchange
- You must not give false information - this will render your application and any subsequent approval invalid and may result in you losing your home