
Neighbourhoods Team

The Council's Housing Service plays a vital role towards improving conditions for tenants in the District. The Neighbourhoods team are committed to making our estates places where people are proud and happy to live.

To improve our estates we will:

  • Consult with tenants on estate improvements
  • Manage tenancy agreements
  • Conduct estate inspections
  • Work in partnership with others to keep communal areas clean, free from rubbish and well maintained
  • Remove hate graffiti within 24 hours of notification and all other graffiti within 10 working days
  • Address untidy garden issues
Love Your New Home

Tenants are encouraged to love their new home and take pride in where they live.

For further information please contact a member of the Neighbourhoods Team at or telephone 01543 462621

Front page of Love Your New Home Booklet
Love Your New Home Booklet

Tenancy Sustainment Service

What is Tenancy Sustainment?

The Tenancy Sustainment Service is provided to you by a Tenancy Sustainment Officer who is employed by Cannock Chase Council. This is a free service to help new and existing Council tenants who are finding it difficult to manage and maintain their tenancy or who are at risk of losing their home. There will be no 
specific time period that the Service is offered; it will be tailored to meet the specific needs of the tenant to assist them with maintaining and sustaining the tenancy. Tenants are unable to self refer direct, but if you need advice or further information about the Service, please contact Cannock Chase Council on 01543 462621 or email the Tenancy Sustainment Team at 

For further information please see leaflet below:

Tenancy Sustainment Service


Many of our tenants will experience hardship at some point during our lives and it can happen to anyone.  

Our Tenancy Sustainment Officers offer confidential advice and guidance and can put you in touch with a range of support services.  If you need help, we can complete a referral form to apply for our hardship fund.

Our Officers are available to assist you and provide you with advice.  They can complete an income and 
expenditure form with you. Our officers will also provide assistance and give you advice with rent arrears, applying for benefits including Universal Credit, budgeting, applications for grant schemes, and access to low cost furniture.

In 2023/24, we have assisted 24 customers with both practical and financial support from the hardship fund. Spend to date = £7,500.

Anti Social Behaviour, Hate Crimes and Domestic Abuse

Please click the link below to be taken to our Anti-Social Behaviour, Hate Crimes and Domestic Abuse page:

Anti Social Behaviour, Hate Crimes and Domestic Abuse | Cannock Chase District Council (

Tenancy and Estate Management

Your Tenancy

As a tenant you have rights and responsibilities, which are detailed in your tenancy agreement.

Your Neighbourhoods officer can make an appointment to visit you at home, or contact you by phone or email to provide you with the relevant advice.

They will help you with any questions about your tenancy and talk to you about the support you may need to manage your tenancy.

Neighbourhood Officers are regularly out on your estate to ensure that estates are clean, well-maintained, secure and that gardens are tidy.  

Tenancy Breaches

Your Tenancy Agreement outlines your responsibilities as a tenant of Cannock Chase Council.  They form part of the terms of your tenancy, and most of them are common sense, such as taking care of your home, paying your rent on time and being respectful to your neighbours and our staff.  If for any reasons you do not uphold the terms outlines in your Tenancy Agreement, you will be in breach of your tenancy.  If this happens, we will talk to you about the breach and advise you on what you can do to put it right.  If you are struggling with your tenant responsibilities, we will also help and support you to manage your tenancy.  

In most cases, tenancy breaches are easily resolved.  However, if you ignore our advice or continue to breach your tenancy, we may have to take legal action which could include:

  • Issuing you with a Notice of Seeking Possession if you are a secure tenant, or a Notice of Possession Proceedings if you are an introductory tenant.
  • Demoting your tenancy, meaning you will lose some of the rights granted to you as a secure tenant.
  • Applying to the court for an injunction.  Applying to the courts to repossess your home

We want you to be successful and happy in your home. If you find that you are in breach of your tenancy, please work with us to put it right.

If you cause alarm, distress or act in an anti-social manner by being violent, discriminatory, aggressive or abusive, this is classed as Anti-Social Behaviour and you could lose your home. 

Find out more about Anti-Social Behaviour here.

Annual Estate Inspections

Estates across the District will be walked once a year from April to October.  Estates with the most problems will be marked red, fewer problems amber and the least problems will be rated green.

The "traffic light" rating system has been introduced for the Housing's Estate Inspection programme.

The green-amber-red ratings will make it clear to tenants how their estate is rated regarding problems found during the Estate inspection

Estates with a "Red" rating will receive extra attention to resolve and combat the issues found.

The Inspection programme will involve Housing staff and partners working together and walking the streets of the estate to identify any problems and to get something done about them.

For further information and to join the estate inspection for your estate, please email the Neighbourhoods Team at

For details of the Estate Inspection Programme, view the booklet below:

Annual Estate Inspections Booklet

Tree Management

The maintenance of trees within gardens of Council owned properties is the responsibility of the tenant. However, where a tree requires removal or remedial work due to safety reasons, arrangements will be made to inspect the tree and undertake any necessary work.  Trees should not be removed without written 
permission from the Council; this is particularly important where a tree is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).

Inspections will only be carried out where a hazard has been identified and meets at least one of the 
criteria below:

If the tree is dangerous, diseased or deceased.
If the tree is causing damage or disrepair to a council property.
Emergency/Storm damage
For tree enquiries that meet the criteria, please contact the Cannock Chase Council Contact Centre on (01543) 462621 giving the customer service operator the following details:

1.  Name, address and telephone number.
2.  Location (front/rear etc.) and the type of tree if known.
3.  Reason for concern about the trees safety.  e.g. broken/damaged branch.

For more information, please see the leaflet below:
Information and Guidance on Trees

To report issues or concerns with tree management, please visit our Parks and Open Spaces page.

Last Updated:

A to Z of Services