All our tenancies start on a Monday. Your rent is payable weekly and in advance. Therefore your first week’s rent will be due on the day your tenancy starts, and you will need to pay a week’s rent in advance every Monday.
You can also pay your rent calendar monthly. You must remember to multiply the week’s rent by 52 (weeks in the year) and divide by 12 (months in the year). The Income Management Team can help you to calculate this. Rent paid monthly must still be paid in advance, to prevent you going into arrears at any time in the month.
Occasionally (about every four years) the rent year has 53 weeks instead of 52 weeks, to keep in line with the calendar year. When this happens, you need to calculate your monthly payment by multiplying by 53, not 52. We will warn you in advance when this occurs.
In April each year the Rent Increase is applied. A notification is sent out to all tenants at least one month before. For information on the current years increase please see the Rent Increase page.
You can check your rent balance at any time by registering for Housing Online. Simply go to to get registered.
You will receive two letters:
- The first letter will have details for your User ID
- The second letter will have your password
If you do not have a computer and require a rent statement please ring the Income Management Team on 01543 462621.
For security reasons:
- please never send cash through the post,
- We cannot accept cash payments at our offices
- our staff cannot accept rent payments while they are out on visits.
For information on how to pay rent please click on methods of payment.
- Methods of Payment
Cannock Chase Council offer you various methods for you to pay your rent.
Our preferred methods are:
- Direct Debit
- Standing Order
- Online Payment
However, you can also make payment using the below methods:
- 24 hour automated telephone number 01543 215020
- Post Office - you can pay at any branches of the post office. You will need your rent card in order to use this method.
- Payzone - you can pay at outlets displaying this symbol.
You will need your rent card in order to use this method.
You will need your rent account number to pay your rent, this is shown in the bottom right hand corner of your rent card or can be obtained from the Income Management Team.
For further details, please contact the Income Management team on 01543 462621.
- Direct Debits and Standing Orders
The difference between Direct Debits and Standing Orders
Direct Debits are recurring monthly payments on an agreed date which are set up with the Income Management Team, any changes required are made by the Team so there is no need for you to take any action.
Standing orders are a payment you set up with your bank, they can be in different frequencies such as weekly or monthly. Any changes would need to be communitcated to your bank personally this could be via branch, app or online banking. Please see the form below for the details required should you wish to set up a standing order.
How do I set up direct debit payments?
To discuss your options or set up a Direct Debit please contact us on 01543 462621 or register with Housing Online at
What are the advantages of direct debit?
◾Direct Debits are an easy and affordable of ensuring that your rent is paid in advance
◾ No form is required to set up the direct debit instruction and unlike a standing order you do not have to complete a new form every time there is a change
◾We make any changes needed once set up, so there is no need to worry about missed payments
◾We always tell you in advance about any changes
◾You are covered by the Direct Debit guarantee against any errors made by us or your bank
◾You can cancel at any time
◾You have two payment dates to choose from (1st or 15th of the month)
◾Details of payments made to us will show on your bank or building society statement. You can also view your rent statement via Housing Online
◾By paying in this way you help us keep costs down for everyone. We can re-invest these savings in service improvements which you will benefit from.What control do I have?
You are always in control. We tell you initially of the amounts and payment dates giving at least ten working days notice required by the Direct Debit scheme. The same applies to any changes made, we will always tell you about any changes in advance.
What if things go wrong?
You are protected by the Direct Debit guarantee so that if a payment is made in error from your account, either by us, or your bank or building society, you will get an immediate refund from your bank or building society. We then refund the payment back to them under the schemes indemnity cover. You are also entitled to cancel your Direct Debit at any time.
Direct Debits .pdf (557.14 KB)
Standing Order Form .doc (29 KB)
- Universal Credit and Housing Benefit
If you are struggling to pay your rent or need some general advice on Universal Credit or Housing Benefit please contact your Income Management Officer.
For further information on Universal Credit please see our Universal Credit page.
For further information on Housing Benefits, please see Housing Benefits.
If you make a claim for housing benefit or the amount of benefit you receive changes, you should keep your Income Management Officer informed.
If you are employed and in receipt of a low income, you may be entitled to some Universal Credit to help towards your housing costs.
If tenants fail to take any action to get their rent paid and the arrears accrue, the COUNCIL WILL EVICT tenants for non-payment of rent.
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